🌿 Join Us for the event Ecology in Action! 🌿
✨ On September 4th 📆 , 2024, from 9 AM to 1 PM, at the Faculty of Sciences of Monastir, dive into an unforgettable event celebrating nature, human well-being, and sustainable living! 🌍✨
This immersive experience is designed for young minds aged 12 to 25 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️ who are passionate about environmental preservation. Through hands-on workshops 🛠️, eco-friendly activities 🪴, and inspiring discussions 🧐, discover innovative ways to protect our planet and take practical steps towards a greener future. 🌹🌸
Be the change! Let's make a positive impact together! 🌳
🔗 RSVP Now:
🔗I also invite you to try this quiz and reveal your ecological personality ⏳ : https://quizz-f1e06.web.app/